Fun at The Towers Disco

Two women seated at a table at The Towers Disco. One is holding up a pair of toy handcuffs and smiling, while the other woman, in a white and pink fluffy jacket, smiles beside her. The background shows other attendees near the bar area, enjoying the event.

Our service users recently had a fantastic time at The Towers Disco! With great music, laughter, and plenty of dancing! We look forward to more fun evenings like this!

Stay tuned for the next event, and don’t forget to join us next time (speak to your Community Support Worker about this)!

Two women seated at a table at The Towers Disco. One is holding up a pair of toy handcuffs and smiling, while the other woman, in a white and pink fluffy jacket, smiles beside her. The background shows other attendees near the bar area, enjoying the event.
Two women sitting closely together at The Towers Disco. One woman with short grey hair and a beige cardigan has a serious expression, while the other, wearing glasses and a blue cardigan, hugs her with a smile and holds a bag of crisps. Empty glasses and table markers are visible in the foreground.

Staff Member of the Month is Back!

The image depicts three abstract figures in different colors (green, blue, and teal) representing people, positioned side by side. Above their heads are three yellow stars, with the middle star larger than the two on either side. To the right of the figures is bold blue text that reads "STAFF MEMBER OF THE MONTH." The design conveys recognition and achievement.
The image depicts three abstract figures in different colors (green, blue, and teal) representing people, positioned side by side. Above their heads are three yellow stars, with the middle star larger than the two on either side. To the right of the figures is bold blue text that reads "STAFF MEMBER OF THE MONTH." The design conveys recognition and achievement.

We’re excited to announce that Staff Member of the Month is back! 🎉

This is your chance to nominate someone who has truly shined over the past month. Whether it’s their hard work, positive attitude, or just being an incredible team player, we want to celebrate them!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Nominate (via Planday) at least one person you believe deserves recognition.
  2. Share a few words about why they should be celebrated.

The two staff members with the highest votes will receive a voucher and certificate, which will be presented at our next staff meeting.

Let’s show some appreciation for our amazing team!

2024 CCT Community Enablement Team Staff Survey

staff survey 2024 text within a circle
staff survey 2024 text within a circle

As we prepare for the staff meetings coming up in October 2024, we’re taking a moment to prioritise something essential to our success as a team – your voice.

Please spare just 5 minutes of your time to fill out our Employee Satisfaction Survey. This survey is designed to gather your honest feedback about how we’re doing as a team and how we can continue to grow and improve. Whether you have thoughts on your role, the support you’re receiving, or ideas for boosting team spirit, this is your chance to share.

Your input will be vital in shaping discussions in the upcoming staff meetings, ensuring we’re all working towards a more positive, productive, and engaging work environment.

Gardening Club – Clearing Weeds and Nettles!

It was another productive day with AW, AB, TG, Lisa, and Anthony. We made significant progress in clearing the thick weeds and nettles along the walkways, making the area much more pleasant and safer to walk through. Lisa, AB, and TG helped plant radish seeds in the raised beds and harvested some lettuce for Wednesday’s salad. AW prepared a small plot and planted sweet corn, while AB prepared the ground and planted two courgette plants.

We wrapped up our efforts at Enablement Care, where we recharged with a delicious lunch of meatloaf and dessert.

Save the Date for Brierley Park!

Mark your calendars for Friday, August 30th!

We are excited to start a new tradition! We invite all service users and residents to Brierley Park for an afternoon of games and a picnic.

We’ll be using public transport, so feel free to meet up and join us for the journey.

More details will be shared in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Gardening Club – The Plot is Flourishing!!

We had a fantastic time at the gardening club last Monday. We spent the morning at the allotment, where our plot is flourishing, and the plants are coming up beautifully! The weather has been warm and sunny, so we provided cold drinks to keep everyone cool. Lisa and April tended to our raised bed, planting beetroot, while Andy prepared the area and sowed turnip seeds. There was a wave of excitement when we discovered a perfectly formed baby cauliflower. It’s wonderful to hear the enthusiasm from our service users as they see their hard work paying off and witness the fruits of their labor.

We’ve made our first harvest of the season, gathering a small crop of potatoes and three lettuces for the kitchen. After lunch, the gardening club shifted to enablement care. Our service users, AB and AW, helped some residents get involved, planting beetroot, carrots, and lettuce in the wheelchair-friendly raised beds. Others watered the potatoes, strawberries, and planters. We wrapped up the day with a well-earned rest and a large glass of cherryade.

A big thank you to all our service users and our wonderful Lisa for her dedication and commitment. Well done, everyone!

The Latest from Walking Club – Thanks to Cayton and Louise!

We had a delightful day at Newstead Abbey, with perfect weather and just the right temperatures. Unlike our usual A-to-B walks, today’s stroll was leisurely and unstructured, allowing us to truly appreciate the beauty around us. We soaked in the vibrant colours, captivating smells, and rich history of the surroundings. Even the most anxious members of our group were beaming with smiles and appeared quite relaxed as we explored!

As always, we concluded our adventure at the teashop, where we enjoyed our packed lunches alongside tea, coffee, and delicious cakes – with some of us indulging in seconds. It was a 10/10 day!

Gardening Club! – A Productive Day!

Despite the unpredictable weather, our dedicated gardening club members recently gathered for a fulfilling day’s work! Originally, we planned to plant at the allotment, but we opted to contribute our efforts to the Enablement Care garden instead.

The highlight of our day was constructing a wheelchair-accessible raised bed for one of our members. This new addition will not only facilitate easier gardening but also enrich the outdoor space. Additionally, we planted some strawberry plants and added flowers to the front borders.

A very special thank you to Lisa, who has consistently been an incredible support! Her unwavering dedication and ability to tackle any challenge without hesitation are amazing!

Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed their energy and enthusiasm—it’s your hard work that is bringing the garden to life!

Celebrating Person-Centred Care 2024: The votes are in!

Thank you to all who attended the staff meetings at the back end of last month.

During this time, you were all asked to nominate a staff member who you felt deserved a special mention for their commitment to the people we support, dedication to the company and an overall team player.

We can now share with you all that the votes have been counted, and it was inspirational to read the words you all said about one another.

It was a close vote!

A big CONGRATULATIONS to Catherine, community support worker and Melissa, night care worker. Your colleagues had wonderful words to say about you, and we, as a management team, can say the same.

Catherine, your colleagues said that you were committed to the people you support, nothing is too much trouble, you always strive to make sure that goals and outcomes are achieved.

Melissa, your colleagues said you were an all rounder, you lead a shift as a shift lead should, you have the residents best interest at the heart of what you do.

Congratulations to you both!

Please come to the office on Wednesday 1st May at 645pm to celebrate your achievements.