Walking Club Visits Shipley Country Park

We enjoyed a delightful three-mile walk around Shipley Country Park last week. The weather was pleasant, not too hot, making it perfect for our outing. Along the way, everyone had fun identifying various plants and trees, and we entertained ourselves with a lively game of I-spy. We concluded our walk at the visitor centre, where we relaxed with a lovely drink and some delicious cake.

Walking Club Ventures to Dovedale!

The weather was perfect today for the walking club’s excursion to Dovedale. After applying plenty of sunscreen, we set off on our walk. Some group members were initially apprehensive about crossing the stepping stones over the river. Still, their worry quickly turned to excitement once they successfully made it across and realised what they had accomplished.

Upon reaching the top of the hill, we enjoyed a delightful picnic prepared by Donna, our wonderful cook at Enablement Care. The picnic featured delicious sandwiches, refreshing soft drinks, and a much-needed sugar boost from some biscuits. The scenery was breathtaking, making for a thoroughly wonderful day out.

Dovedale is certainly a place we would love to revisit!

The Latest from Walking Club – Thanks to Cayton and Louise!

We had a delightful day at Newstead Abbey, with perfect weather and just the right temperatures. Unlike our usual A-to-B walks, today’s stroll was leisurely and unstructured, allowing us to truly appreciate the beauty around us. We soaked in the vibrant colours, captivating smells, and rich history of the surroundings. Even the most anxious members of our group were beaming with smiles and appeared quite relaxed as we explored!

As always, we concluded our adventure at the teashop, where we enjoyed our packed lunches alongside tea, coffee, and delicious cakes – with some of us indulging in seconds. It was a 10/10 day!

Out and About with Walking Club

Recently, our Walking Club embarked on a circular journey, combining parts of the Trans Pennine Trail and the Cuckoo Way, covering about five miles. Despite the intermittent showers that accompanied us for most of the walk, the spirits of our group remained undampened. Indeed, the weather seemed to appreciate our resilience, rewarding us with some sunshine as we neared the end of our trek.

After enjoying the fresh air and scenic views, we made our way to the cosy retreat of the Hollinwood Hub Cafe. The warm ambience of the cafe was a perfect match for our chilled bones. Over steaming cups of coffee, we shared laughs and stories, the perfect complement to the hearty slices of cake that followed. In a moment of indulgence, one of our members even enjoyed a second helping of cake, a testament to the cafe’s delicious offerings!